Sergeant Jeffery Egge (Ret.)


Jeffery Egge is a retired sergeant with the Minneapolis, Minnesota, Police Department (MPD) where he has served for 24 years and led strategic and crime analysis. In 2016, Egge was selected as a National Institute of Justice Law Enforcement Advancing Data and Science (LEADS) Scholar to collaborate and lead in the advancement of policing by applying research-based practices to the field. He has also recently worked with Cambridge University on research in hot spots policing. In 2018 he was inducted into the Evidence-Based Policing Hall of Fame at the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP) at George Mason University. He was a Senior Research Fellow at the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) and has contributed to publications on crime analysis, research and planning, and predictive policing. He has been recognized for his work in police research, gun violence, CompStat, organized crime, and patrol.

Sergeant Egge holds a master’s degree from the University of St. Thomas. Prior to joining the MPD, he was an investigations and training specialist and loss prevention manager for Dayton Hudson (now Target Corp). Most recently, he has been a visiting scholar at Cambridge University. He is currently working with CEBCP at George Mason University on projects relating to a National Institute of Justice-funded study of robbery investigations and Bureau of Justice Assistance-funded Smart Policing research on hot spots strategies.