Collaborative Reform Initiative Program – Critical Response

The Critical Response Program’s fundamental goal is to help state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies improve future responses to sensitive events or needs while ensuring community engagement and trust.

Project Overview

The Critical Response program, funded by the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office and supported by the National Policing Institute (NPI) is designed to provide targeted technical assistance (TA) to state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies experiencing high-profile events, major incidents, or sensitive issues of varying needs. Critical Response is highly customizable and provides flexible assistance to law enforcement agencies that have recently experienced a critical incident or identified an issue of significant community concern in their department’s operations.

Through the Critical Response program, NPI, in collaboration with the COPS Office, can deliver targeted, customized TA to a wide range of state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies that generally fall into three categories: (1) immediate delivery of TA to address a pressing and acute need, (2) data analysis, and (3) after-action reviews (AARs) to understand and learn from law enforcement and public safety responses to critical incidents or issues. All AARs are conducted following the COPS Office publication How to Conduct an After Action Review which the National Policing Institute (NPI) helped develop.

TA requests can be submitted to the Critical Response team by completing our Request for Assistance form.


The Critical Response team tailors the scope of the TA, AAR, and composition of the review team to fit each TA received in an effort to provide a comprehensive understanding of the incident, event, or topic from a variety of perspectives. Teams are comprised of a diverse array of subject matter expertise with experience in areas such as law, tactical issues, mass violence incidents or management of mass demonstrations, trauma, technology, personnel, and community activism, as well as NPI staff with experience and expertise in providing this type of TA.

Reviews leverage the team’s combined knowledge and experience to analyze data, review public safety systems and protocols, assess policies and procedures, and gather stakeholder input. The team creates a comprehensive report with recommendations, promising practices, and lessons learned. Presentations to key stakeholders and other deliverables may also be available upon request.

The Critical Response team conducts assessments and provides TA that: promotes organizational learning and transformation around specific issues identified in the process; cultivates communication among city stakeholders, law enforcement agencies, and public safety partners; strengthens relationships between agencies and their communities through problem-solving, engagement, and partnership development; and serves to enhance the safety of communities.

Once the assessment or TA is provided, the Critical Response team can provide ongoing implementation support of recommendations, monitor sustainable change based on recommendation implementation, and share the findings with the larger law enforcement community to ensure that promising practices and information are shared nationally.

Project Resources

Visit the Critical Response website at: or contact us at or 1-800-421-6770

How to Conduct an After Action Review

Project Publications

Coming soon

Staff Contact(s)

Humberto Cardounel

Humberto I. Cardounel, Jr.

Senior Director

Samantha Rhinerson

Samantha Rhinerson, M.A.

Senior Program Manager

Brett Cowell

Brett Cowell, M.A.

Program Manager

Media Contact

Media inquiries should be directed to our Communications team at:

More Information

Project Status: Active

Project Period:  October 2023 -

Location(s): Fairfax, VA, Indianapolis, IN

Staff Contact(s)

Humberto Cardounel

Humberto I. Cardounel, Jr.

Senior Director

Samantha Rhinerson

Samantha Rhinerson, M.A.

Senior Program Manager

Brett Cowell

Brett Cowell, M.A.

Program Manager

Media Contact


Media inquiries should be directed to our Communications team at: