HomePublications › Best Practices in Early Intervention System Implementation and Use in Law Enforcement Agencies


Best Practices in Early Intervention System Implementation and Use in Law Enforcement Agencies

Publication Date

November 2018


Karen L. Amendola and Robert C. Davis


This guide summarizes information about early warning/intervention systems in law enforcement, and best practices. It includes the CALEA standards, the recommended data and functioning, performance categories, flagging and intervention practices, relationship to the Department of Justice investigations and consent decrees, promising practices and myths surrounding Early Intervention Systems.

Research Design

Review of research

Research Methods

Literature review

Recommended Citation

Amendola, K. L. & Davis, R. C. (2018). Best practices in early intervention system implementation and use in law enforcement agencies. National Policing Institute and Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). Retrieved https://www.policinginstitute.org/publication/best-practices-in-early-intervention-system-implementation-and-use-in-law-enforcement-agencies/