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Research Brief: In-depth Training of Police Officers Results in Less Crime, Fewer Arrests, and Improved Community Views Towards Police in Crime Hot Spots

Publication Date

June 2022


National Policing Institute


What difference does it make if police officers are trained to consistently treat everyone in fair and respectful ways – to remain neutral, for example, be active listeners, and exhibit trustworthy behavior? Can training change the behaviors of police officers? This research brief provides findings from a recent study by Weisburd, Telep, Vovak, and colleagues on a multicity randomized controlled trial of procedural justice at crime hot spots. The full study is available here.

To learn more about this project, click here.

Research Design

Randomized controlled trial (RCT)

Research Methods

Secondary data analysis, Surveys, Field-based experiment

Recommended Citation

National Policing Institute. (2022). In-depth training of police officers results in less crime, fewer arrests, and improved community views towards police in crime hot spots [Research Brief]. https://www.policinginstitute.org/publication/research-brief-in-depth-training-of-police-officers-results-in-less-crime-fewer-arrests-and-improved-community-views-towards-police-in-crime-hot-spots/