Hannah McManus

Hannah McManus, Ph.D.

Director, Science & Innovation

Leadership Division


Hannah D. McManus, Ph.D., joined the National Policing Institute as a Senior Research Associate in September 2022. Prior to joining NPI, she worked for five years as a Research Associate at the University of Cincinnati Center for Police Research and Policy. Dr. McManus participates in research and evaluation in the criminal justice field, with a specific focus on police practice. Her current work includes research on the development and implementation of training for police, best practices in crisis response, and the examination of police-community relations.

An advocate for academic-practitioner partnerships to promote evidence-informed and best practices, Dr. McManus has worked directly with law enforcement agencies across the country. She currently serves as Co-Principal Investigator on multiple federally awarded grants and has published in both peer-reviewed and practitioner-focused outlets, earning several awards for those publications.


McManus, H. D., & Shoulberg, A. M. (2023). A best practice assessment of the Aurora (CO) police department’s crisis response team and targeted violence prevention programs. National Policing Institute.

Isaza, G. T., McManus, H. D., & Pompoco, A. R. (2022). Integrating evidence into training to improve police services to communities. Journal of Community Justice, XXXII(1), 7–9.

Engel, R. S., Isaza, G. T., & McManus, H. D. (2022). Owning police reform: The path forward for practitioners and researchers. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 47(6), 1225–1242.

McManus, H. D. (2021). Assessing the impact of co-responder team programs: A review of research. University of Cincinnati Center for Police Research and Policy.

Engel, R. S., McManus, H. D., & Herold, T. D. (2020). Does de-escalation training work? A systematic review and call for evidence in police-use-of-force reform. Criminology & Public Policy, 19(3), 721–759.

Engel, R. S., McManus, H. D., & Isaza, G. T. (2020). Moving beyond “best practice”: The need for evidence to reduce officer-involved shootings. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 687(1), 146–165.

McManus, H. D., Corsaro, N., & Engel, R. S. (2020). An evaluation of the VALOR law enforcement agency and officer resilience training program. IACP/UC Center for Police Research and Policy.

McManus, H. D., Engel, R. S., Cherkauskas, J. C., Light, S. C., & Shoulberg, A. M. (2020). Street violence crime reduction strategies: A review of evidence. IACP/UC Center for Police Research and Policy.

McManus, H. D., Shafer, J. G., & Graham, A. K. (2018). Race and the procedural justice model of policing. In J. D. Unnever, S. L. Gabbidon, and C. Chouhy (Eds.), Building a Black Criminology: Race, Theory, and Crime (pp. 317–341). Routledge.

Areas of Focus

  • Development, implementation, and evaluation of police training
  • Implementation and efficacy of crisis response models
  • Public perceptions of the police
  • Police-community relations

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